Започването на психотерапия е най-смелата стъпка, която можеш да предприемеш, за да възвърнеш вътрешния си мир, да отключиш истинския си потенциал и да трансформираш живота си.

Постави началото днес

Терапията е пътят към  самооткритие, който ти дава възможност да се освободиш от старите модели и да влезеш в нов етап на личностно израстване.

Твоята душа очаква тази промяна – направи първата крачка днес!


A complex and wholistic approach towards the client/patient – caring about the health of the psyche, emotions, and body.

The balance of energy, your mind and emotions are the things which determine the way you look and feel.



Individual therapy with clients, one-on-one. Group therapy work in small groups, on various topics. 

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Aroma therapy

A natural method by which we can take care of the soul as well as bodily ailments using pure essential oils.

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About me

Therapy is an individual process, which requires a connection of trust between the therapist and the patient/client.

What I do:

  1. Dealing with depression, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, burnout etc. Dealing with trauma and abuse.
  2. Working with couples with reproductive health issues
  3. Support and consultation of families and children; Parents and couples’ therapy
  4. Consultation and therapy with children and adolescents
  5. Conflicts resolution – in relationships, working environment etc.
  6. Personality traits and improvement, self-esteem, and confidence development, dealing with difficult situations and people.
  7. Corporate clients’ subscriptions for psychological services.

Psychotherapy is held online or in person (depending on location and preferences).

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